Meet Kaela
Oh my goodness...this girl is a bundle of fun, energy, creativity, and pop culture! She pretty much knows everything and has seen everything! You’ll even have to ask her about her days working with Mr. Tony Robbins. Wha?!!?!?!?!??
Hey friend, it’s Kaela! I’m your friendly local small business owner with a passion for people, personal development and iced coffee. Making people feel seen, known, and celebrated is one of my favorite parts of who I am and the work I do! After seeing a huge need for high quality gifts in the real estate industry, I started my company “Carefully Curated Gifts” in 2021. In the last four years we were able to not only help hundreds of realtors intentionally connect with their clients, but dozens of other industries have joined us as well! Estate planners, insurance brokers, photographers, you name it! Working with business owners around the country and expanding my reach was something I never dreamed possible until it was happening right in front of me!
As my business started to grow exponentially, I started realizing all of my clients, regardless of profession, shared a common goal. They wanted to build their referral network and stay connected with their past clients in a way they had no capacity for. As soon as we started sending gifts to their clients, there was an immediate spike in engagement, connection and referrals coming in! It goes back to what my passion is- people. Making people feel seen in a way that feels personal, NOT corporate is so important. And while gifts are a great point of connection, I knew there was more we could do here…. enter “Encore Engagements”!
In 2025 I pivoted my business to ALL things client retention. Whether that means workshops, 1-on-1 consulting or personality assessments, my focus is to help my clients create their own community of raving fans. It’s an honor I do not take lightly to work alongside so many incredible business owners in our community. This is more than a job for me- it feeds my soul and fills my cup to connect with others in a meaningful way.
When I’m not working, you can find me with my sweet little family who are the absolute lights of my life! My husband, Ozzy, and daughter, Charlotte, are the coolest people I know and I love spending as much time with them as possible! I am also an active member of BLOS and find so much joy in connecting with the women in the group. If you must know… I am also an avid trivia junkie, lover of all things comedy and have perfected the art of making boxed mac and cheese. I can’t wait to see what this year has in store!
Some comments her peers said about her:
“Kaela! Hands down, Kaela. Kaels is hands down the perfect choice for heart of gold. She's the kind of person who lights up any room she walks into. Her energy is contagious, and she has this incredible ability to make everyone feel right at home, no matter the setting. Kaela is always there to lift others up, encourage, and bring a positive vibe to everything she's involved in. She's not just a connector, but someone who truly cares about the success and happiness of those around her. Her friendships and business connections within BLOS are proof of her magnetic personality and her dedication to building a supportive fun community. Kaela is the epitome of heart of gold, spreading good energy and making sure everyone feels welcome and empowered!"
- Coutrney Evans
“Kaela is always there with a listening ear, bringing happiness and kindness wherever she goes. She is full of warmth and positivity, always ready to offer support and care. She is a truly sweet, incredible human who consistently shows up for others, spreading joy and making a difference in the lives of everyone she meets." - Ashley Elzea
*A comment from out Founder:
Kaela. I just get emotional when I think of my dear friend, Kaela, because my love for her runs deep. I can't imagine being so accepting, empathetic, and caring unconditionally for others. Having Kaela in my life makes me want to be a better person and to check myself at the door as a human being. It is an honor to live up to being someone she chooses to be around, although I do *humbly* realize I am the lucky one! The way I see her interact with others, give of herself to make the world a better and more accepting place, warms my heart. Kaela has been a wonderful addition to the BLOS community, and I know that she has made an impact on other members' lives. We are all so blessed to learn from her wisdom and unmatched experiences. Her old soul is a breath of fresh air in a world where the younger generation often feels entitled, and everything has to be given in warp speed. With Kaela everything is calm, serene, and in the right timing - Jessica

What was your reaction when you won the HEART OF GOLD AWARD?
Honestly…stunned!! I couldn’t believe it. It’s hard to put how I felt (and still feel) knowing this is how my BLOS community sees me. I have always worn my heart on my sleeve- for better or worse. I have truly grown to know and love so many of the women in this community. They’ve shared their intimate stories and challenges with me and that’s something I will never take lightly. I had always hoped I was leaving a positive, joy-filled impression on everyone I met. To know that this trait is celebrated and encouraged in BLOS lets me truly know I’ve found the right place!
2) What does this award mean to you and what is something that you do that contributed to you being nominated, and ultimately winning?
When I joined in 2023, I was fairly new to the area and desperately hoping to make friends. In the last year it’s become SO much more than “making friends”. This community has become my home away from home; a place I can freely be myself and encourage others to express their most authentic selves as well. In the last year I have done my part to be at almost every event and have had the most amazing time doing so! From members-only celebrations, to a girls trip to Disney, every month was filled with epic adventures with friends old and new. No matter the occasion, I always try my best to have a smile on my face, and have intentional conversations with the people around me.
Another reason I may have been nominated was I led a 4 month PODCLASS about creating Raving Fans in business. I had 11 incredible women go on this journey with me, where we dived deep into Human Design, Enneagram, and cultivating our ideal clients and referrals in our business. Our conversations were intense, vulnerable and so incredibly soul-giving. These women filled my cup with how much they put into the class and each other. I am eternally grateful to have been able to facilitate these moments and made life-long friendships through the process!
3) You will help choose next year's BLOS BOSS and HEART OF GOLD, what is something that you are going to be keeping your eye out for this next year?
Oh gosh, no pressure! It’s going to be such a tough call, we have the most incredible women with hearts of gold in this group! I am going to keep an eye out for who shows up, who plays “all in” and encourages our members throughout the year.
4) What is something you admire in the other two women you were in the top 3 with?
Sarah is poised, professional and ALWAYS has a smile on her face!! Her friendly demeanor is one of the first things I noticed when I started attending events. I truly appreciate how she has been a strong advocate of BLOS since basically the beginning! Her insight in the world of women’s health is remarkable and can help so many of our members. I’m not surprised whatsoever that she was nominated for this award!
Mai is warm, generous and always ready and armed with hugs! It has been a pleasure getting to know her on a more intimate level this year at all the events and even outside of BLOS! Having her in my PODCLASS showed me on an even deeper level just how kind and considerate of a person she is.
5) As the winner, how would you like to see yourself used for the betterment of our BLOS community?
I would love to be an advocate for women to feel safe and encouraged at events! It can be really intimidating walking into a room not knowing what the ~vibes~ are. Will I be accepted? Is it cliquey? Should I even be here? Those are all things I’ve felt (even recently) and I’m one of the most extraverted people I know!! So I can only imagine how hard it might be for someone introverted or new to the group. I would love to continue to make people feel welcome, no matter their circumstances or amount of times they’ve attended!
6) I will share what I said about you that night on the webpage, but is there anything you'd like to add?
You said a lot of really, really nice things that made me blush and also squirm a little bit just because it’s hard to often times accept such high praise. I appreciate it so much and just want to add that anyone and everyone is welcome, and can be in this position as well! All you have to do is bet on yourself and choose to go all in with this amazing group. You might just be surprised and the friends for life that you’ll make! Thank you Jessica for creating this group and making it such a deeply impactful place to be myself. <3